Postdoc/Visiting Scholar Position in Biomedical Engineering


The Biophotonics Lab in the Center for Biomedical Engineering, University of Kentucky, invites applications for postdoc/visiting position. The Lab develops optical spectroscopy/imaging for quantification of blood flow, oxygenation and oxygen metabolism in normal and diseased tissues of animals and humans. The motivation is to explore the feasibility of optical instruments for diagnosis of various diseases and longitudinal monitoring of therapies. The goal is to create a strong biophotonics research and teaching program, which vertically integrates optics, electronics, engineering and clinical applications.


Responsibilities will consist of design and development of experimental spectroscopy/imaging systems, data analysis, and in vivo monitoring of tissue hemodynamics. To apply, submit a CV, a statement of interests, and the names of three references to:


Guoqiang Yu, Ph.D, Assistant Professor

Center for Biomedical Engineering

University of Kentucky

Lexington, KY 40506-0070
